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I thought I'd post this here to update you all. The upshot is that I'm altering the schedule and taking a little time off. Details follow:

As you know, I've found out that I have to leave vimeo - they're giving me until the end of the month at least, so that helps.

What you don't know is that, with the numerous problems with my office, including the time the ceiling fell in during a performance, I've been doing some long-delayed work renovating it. This has left my Internet connection spotty, which is why you might have seen me quieter than usual and those of you who have joined my Patreon not getting your rewards promptly.

Basically I've been splitting my time between construction work and getting the show taken care of. The Vimeo added a third thing to the list of stuff that I've been trying to address, as there are a number of factors to consider for hosting several thousand videos and finding the best way to upload them to service which often require you to do it one at a time.

Last night, I had an attack and needed to go to the ER. After a battery of tests, as well as a meeting with my own physician, we've determined it wasn't a heart attack, but probably is a result of stress combined with the inactivity the last four months involved with the Star Trek move (ie, a lot of editing videos while munching on pizza rather than shooting hoops and eating a balanced meal like I had been). We're going to monitor it, but it seems that there is a wall and I've apparently sprinted into it.

So I'm taking a little bit of time to go back to the swing of things. My kids are going to finish the remodeling without me, and I'm going to leave as soon as I post this to go to the YMCA and do some light exercise, then rest for the weekend. I'll be posting Pathfinder on the website since that's finished, and ditto Dunwich Horror next week, but I won't have early access for Devil's Due or Into the Spider-verse finished yet, or any of the rewards for this weekend. I haven't put together a plan beyond that. 

I'll be posting updates for you when I have them.

Thank you for your continued patience. It has been a rough road, and I am grateful that you have all been willing to join me on it, and hope you will continue wherever it leads.



Damn. I'm so sorry you have to keep going through so much. You put so much into this show, and we love it. I wish things were working better for you and people would leave your videos alone on platforms. Get well soon Chuck. Your health is the most important thing. Take all the time you need.

Chloë Salzenberg

I'm glad you're balancing and selfishly pleased that there is still bandwidth for jokes. Qapla!