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I am always paranoid. Ever since the show started, I have had a fear that this will be the week when the Internet gets confused and replaces my new video with a Neo-Nazi rant over illegal images of children. It hasn't happened yet, but I worry anyway that this will be the time (you may remember when this came close to happening in the Blip days, when one of the new videos was replaced by a guy ranting about homeless people... it's scary when your paranoia is proven to be fully justified).

(Note: don't prank me on that, please. My doctor is already wagging his finger at me for my career choice destroying my health, false panic could literally give me a stroke)

I'm also paranoid about my data being lost. I had a crash years ago that destroyed personal files, and I've spent time since back them up. To be safe. In fact, I'm so concerned that I've been working the past few days to upgrade to a new, more efficient and safer backup strategy. This process required moving and deleting previous files to make room, creating a small window during which the old backup was gone and the new one hadn't been set up to run yet. I'm extra paranoid about this time that this will be the moment the drive dies, so I always go straight to backing up then.

Well, the drive figured the funniest thing in the world would be to break during the backing up process.

If you're wondering, this is the drive for the website architecture and the archives of the show's videos (in this case, anything older than last week besides the finished videos), and any Patreon rewards from before January. 

So I'm going to be focusing on trying to save as much off the drive as possible now, but that's obviously time I'm not spending working on the show. So I thought I'd drop you a note to say things may get delayed a day or two or even three. 



Take care, go on vacation


I gotta echo what's been written above, perhaps taking actual time off to relax would do a lot of good