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Here's the audio of Wednesday's look at both Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Alex McFadden

Man it's hard to not imagine Martin is speaking from personal experience about those who adapt often lacking creative talent to match their ambitions after seeing D&D run Game of Thrones into the ground... On the relevant topic, I'm glad you decided to give a more unbiased look at both films rather than framing it as "this one is obviously superior to that other one" which is all too natural a mindset to have when comparing two movies linked like this, and instead recognizing the merits of each. It's also worth noting I think how each movie managed to leave a lasting impact on those who watched it in childhood, much how Dahl's works usually do. From personal experience, I grew up as a little kid watching the Wilder version and it's stuck with me even into adulthood, while a very dear friend of mine first saw the Depp version as a kid and loved it in much the same way. With that in mind, it seems fair to say, regardless of personal preference, both did their intended job very well.

Bryan Beyer

For film adaptions I think there is a third option between "adapting the story" and "improving the story". The third option is "we have a script no one is buying so lets buy a more famous name". For this third option see things like movie version of "I robot".