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I feel like John Connor right now jeez.
But jokes aside there's some serious sh happens in my country (Kazakhstan). There is rally pretty much in every town. In some other towns there's even a riots. Some people marauding shopping centres and gun shops. Then start shooting at police and police shooting back. There's already news about killed civillians and policemen. Russia even sendind "peacemakers" to the our president respond.
And goverment even decided to turn off internet in whole country. Trying to stop opposite "propaganda". They enabling it randomly at the morning for 60-120 mins. So i have this small window.
As far as i know the main reason was a double price increasing for natural gas. And the second one is because goverment forcing people to agressive vaccination. Some ppl don't trust this and because of refusing to get a vacine they loosing their jobs. Also ppl without a vaccine couldn't get in many public places. They simply not allowed to.
I think that's all for now. You could check fresh news at reddit. /r/Kazakhstan.



Jeez thats scary. Take care.


Be careful TD and take care.