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Hey all... Here's how things are going. 

When last we left, I had Covid. However, I managed to get myself a prescription for paxlovid, and that helped a lot. I am mostly back to normal now. I haven't tested myself again yet, but the last one I took (about a week ago), the little red Covid indicator line on the test strip was light pink, so I'm nearly over it if not completely over it. 

My mother is also home from the hospital. However, she is still having medical issues, as is my father, and I am the only one in any position to deal with them. So I have essentially become a full-time nursemaid to both my parents. 

I am now essentially living my life by a series of alarms and electronic notifications that I have set up about what I need to do what what time of day, on what day. (In fact one just went off. be right back.)

(okay, I'm back. Had to get their dinner in the oven.)

So anyway.... My mom has been living in the ground floor TV room, because she can't deal with stairs. And even though we have stair chairs installed, she doesn't want to risk getting into or out of them. For right now it's just easier for her to sleep on the sofa, sit on the sofa, and have her meals there in front of the tv. 

I used to primarily live a nocturnal existence, which left me free to concentrate on my art all night long. But I am now waking up at the crack of dawn, and spending the entire day handling pill doses, handling all the meals, staying in constant contact with doctors and other medical professionals, handling all family transportation including grocery shopping, prescription pickups at the walgreens, doctor visits, and random assorted extras... and all this has left me both physically and mentally exhausted. I am dealing with all of it, but I don't think I could deal with much more. 

So, I am going to be taking february off as well. 

I should note that there have been some positive developments. My mother has shown an ability to stand up on her own, finally. Though she still prefers to have assistance since it's hard to do on her own. Her voice has come back so she is starting to sound like herself again. She could barely speak above a whisper for the first two weeks she was back. 

So if this improvement trend continues, and we can get her back on her feet to the point that she can get up out of the TV rom and start to look after herself a bit, I should, hopefully, have at least some of my time back by March. Hopefully. Fingers crossed. 

I'm going to need another month with this though. 

Sorry, folks. We're not out of the woods quite yet.

And thanks for still being here through all of this. 

That means a lot.


Karl Maurer

Hang in there. I know, personally, some of what you are going through as I am the sole caregiver for my wife as she proceeds through home hospice. She had been given 6 months to live... it's been 18... she's doing better than expected, but my life is NOT my own. Thank heavens for a WFH job with bosses and co-workers that continue to be incredibly supportive. Without that... well... I don't want to think about it. Hang in there!


Glad to hear the Covid is improved and hopefully on its way out as well as the family has been moderately improving since getting out of the hospital. Medical recovery is always hard to pin down, just have to hope for the best sometimes. Take the time to handle things as you need to. Take care of yourself and I hope things are able to stabilize again soon.