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...and at long last, here's page 8 of Alone Time.

I'm thinking of changing the name of it to "Party Of One" though... comments?

Anyway, that's all the art I have for right now. I'm one image short this time, and I'll be trying to get that finished up "soon" for relative values of "soon."

Thanks again for being here. Hope you're enjoying the stuff and things.


Extra Note: Almost forgot to mention. I'm already started on page 9. That page is just in rough layout stage so it may take more time to complete than this one did. If you guys are still willing to have me work on it, I'll keep working on it tho. 




Please do! It's nice to see the return of this comic, and I'm very interested in what you'll come up with next :)


I think 'Party of One' is a cleverer title, myself