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I had mentioned that I had some other projects on the backburner apart from Zero Day that might be worth putting a patron credits list onto, and there was some question of what those might be. So, I figured I should give you folks a rundown of what they are.

Basically, apart from Zero Day I have three other Renpy projects in various stages of completion that I have been tinkering with here and there.

The Cinnamon Challenge: The oldest one of the three. I've posted sneak peeks of this one a good while back, but without explaining what they are. Part of the delay on this one, is that it's using the Renpy engine to do a kind of game that Renpy really wasn't designed for. It's not really a visual novel. It's basically a JOI (jack-off instructions) based game, where the player is challenged to stroke along with Cinnamon, to see who can last longest. All the art for this is 3D and (I believe) mostly complete. It's also mostly coded. It needs some extra text added, but the mechanics are all in place and working-ish. I ended up putting it aside due to a timing issue - the game uses timers to count down how long the player is supposed to fap for, and trying to coordinate the speed of the text with the speed of the timer became a hassle. I've thought about trying to redo it in Unity or something more suited to it, but that would mean learning Unity. And Unity kind of scares me. What I really need is a coding guru to take my mess of a project and work magic on it. I am not really much of a programmer and I think I sort of got in over my head here.

Feeding Friendsy: Another JOI game, wherein you and Friendsy the Foozle are hanging out on a public mezzanine on Boink, when she decides she's hungry for cum, and offers you a BJ - but first, she wants to prime the pump by walking you through some JOI instructions. This one's almost entirely coded (it could use a polishing up), but has no art done for it at all. It's fairly short and simple, and works more along the lines renpy was suited for, but I just haven't had the time to put into drawing the extra art it would need. Needs a couple background images, some incidental images of passers-by and on-lookers (because yes, this is a public mezzanine), and character art of Friendsy. Also title screen and general UI design.

Anal Probe, The Movie: This one is based on an image of mine from a few years ago:


Yes, it's a renpy project, and an actual Visual Novel (albeit a short one) which will lean heavily into the "VHS porno video" aesthetic. The plan is to do all the art in 3D, using already built props, characters, and scenery. Again, the idea on this one was to do something incredibly simple that could be knocked out fairly quickly. It's also the newest one of the three, with my initial work on it commencing about four or five days ago. (If you saw the new render of Bluebell I posted to the discord... I started mulling the idea over about five minutes after that.) I have a "playable" outline of the story knocked together in Twine. It comprises something like six locations, three characters (one of which is a disembodied computer voice - the other two are Cobalt and Bluebell) And something like six sex scenes. Also three minigames (courtesy of public domain code), which I need to work out how to customize and slot into place. There's a utility that can take a Twine project and import it into Renpy, so I should be able to take the existing outline, import it and begin filling it out with dialogue and images. So, all the groundwork and prep for this one is basically done, and it's just a matter of finding time to start assembling the pieces.

So, that's some of what's been laying around in bins on shelves in my workshop.

Of the three, the third seems the most likely to actually get finished in a reasonable timeframe, because it was designed from the ground up to take as little effort as possible, using parts that already exist.

Hope you found this informative.

Cheers, all.



Like I said before. I so would buy such a movie. ;) Hehehe. :P And as a game, sounds pretty nice.


It all sounds exciting! I'm particularly looking forward to the Cinnamon one :)