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Howdy all... in our last thrilling episode I had announced that I was planning on finishing up the next page of the Foozle comic that rnixon and ruathan had asked me to continue, from way back. And that I would be posting all the completed pages up to the current as soon as I had the current one finished. 

Unfortunately, while I got quite a ways along toward that goal, everyone here at my home suddenly came down with that stomach virus that's going around, and I have spent most of the week barely coherent because of it. I won't go into the specifics but for a period of about 48 hours my only friend in the world was a bucket. 

My fever broke yesterday, and this morning I went back on solid food for the first time since tuesday. I am still somewhat weak and dizzy, and have this nagging motion-sickness style queasiness whenever I move, but I am on the mend and hope to be back in functional form in another day or so. 

In the meantime, since the original image postings of the pages were corrupted by something that patreon did during one of their past updates, I will repost the finished pages, not including the one currently underway. 

Cheers all and thanks for putting up with, once again. 




WOW wow wow wow! I just might be one of the hottest comics you’ve drawn for me. Some thing about that last panel on page 5. Completely stoked to see the rest, take as much time as you need. Glad to hear you’re feeling better bit by bit. Hope that you’re getting rest in the mean time.