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So, as some of you know, I have had a Discord server running for a bit. A while back, I used Patreon's app settings to connect it to the Patreon, but from what I can tell the bot is basically useless and just taking up space.

Do any of you patrons actually get any use out of the discord being botted to patreon like this? 

I'm thinking of disconnecting it again, but I don't want to do that if it's actually useful to you folks. 

Gimmee comments. 



My understanding is that bot auto connects you into the discord group when you become a patron but from my experience, that’s all the use I get out of it. It saves me one small step. I don’t care if the group shows me as a patron, or what level of one I am. It’s not important to me. Personally speaking, I’ll be losing nothing if you dropped it.