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...for this month, netreek let me do some more work on Zero Day, so I got down to doing something that will probably take awhile to get done: a crowd scene for the starship bar and observation lounge. I've already posted a bunch of peeks at this over on the discord, but I'll post some of it here too since not everybody is on there. 

I've also attached PNG images of some of the fullsize character art, since I posted those there too. 

Anyway, that's all I have for right now. Hope you still get a kick out of it, and I'll have those next two images along as quick as I can manage. 

Thanks again for being here. 





YESSSS Glad to see some Zero day work. Cute characters to fill out a really cool looking setting is always a win. 👌✨ More than a kick was had.


This looks wonderful!