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Aloha all, as I may have mentioned, I made a new year's resolution this time around, which was that I would finally make myself learn Blender. I've chronicled elsewhere what an uphill battle I've had with the program over the years, and how its life expectancy on my hard drive could be measured in minutes. 

Basically, download, install, open, ARGH!!, uninstall uninstall uninstall.  

Anyway, It's been two months, so let's see where I'm at. The attached image is a bit of a triumph for me. It's the very first model I managed to create, entirely in blender. The some textures created in photoshop, but all modeling, UV mapping and even that nice woodgrain finish were created in Blender. 

And with that, I was off and running. 

But wait, there's more.... 




Yeah, it’s a big step into the deep end. I know the struggle is real. It came out pretty darn good.