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Finally, for this month, here's a look at Twinkle against a backdrop, with a look at the revised GUI I've come up with. The earlier test shot of Cobalt used a GUI that was just whatever I could rough up at a moment's notice. Now that I've had a bit of time to work on the design, this is what I came up with. I may revise it further, as I want the namebox to be a bit rounder and less hexagonal. 

I should note also that the LED lettering for the character names is a custom font I created myself, using the free webtool called Caligraphr, since I couldn't find a royalty free LED font, and it has to actually be included in the game package to be used for the names. 

Anyway, that's it for this month. Thanks again to everybody, especially to those who let me work on Zero Day. I'm hoping more of you in the expensive seats will choose to let me keep working on it. It's a lot easier to get into it, if I know I'm not using up time needed for other things. 

Thanks again for being here. Cheers.




Yesssssssssss!!! It looks really good, that extra polish pays off heavily. The line less background makes the character stand out well and both look gorgeous. When the time comes, I’m looking forward to seeing more of Zero Day.