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And finally, for rnixon, it's this. 

As for the game which I mentioned in previous postings, I've done some more minor work on it, in the form of taking my rough flowchart like outline and beginning to expand it out into a story. This is the "wiring" stage, where all the connected events get hooked together, and I start planning how it's all going to work. 

The next step after this will be the one where I start putting things together in renpy, at which point I will finally need to start doing some art. So, here's another reminder to you folks in the expensive seats, that if you're having trouble coming up with an image idea for the month, and  want to see me get anywhere with this project, all you need to do is tell me to work on the game instead. 

Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks again for being here. 




I am giggling like a fool. Thank you.