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Hullo folks. I'm back with another update on how things are going. Without going into the icky details, if things continue healing up as nicely as they have been, my hand should be back in operable condition for drawing by the middle of the coming week. 

I am at least able to type with it again, though trying to hold a pen is still not a good idea at the moment. But, I am on the mend. 

Tomorrow is, of course, the last day of the month - and while I still have a lot of things unfinished, I did manage to get a couple pieces done before the accident. So I will begin posting those tomorrow night-ish. 

Thanks for bearing with me through this, and thanks for the well wishes some of you sent. 

I'll be back.



Glad to hear your recovery is proceeding and that you’re taking the additional precautions. Stay the course, be safe. Looking forward to what’s coming.