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Howdy doodles, folks. Just woke up, checked the calendar and realized it was art day. So here's some art.

Let's start in with the two pieces that are late, from last month. 

Netreek offered me the task of redesigning one of his characters. I told him that I would keep the basic details: grey male mouse in his 40's, and everything else would be likely to change. So here's a complete redesign of Chuck's Dad. 

I opted to make him a bit thinner, a bit more outdoorsy, and a bit cooler. A more casual look with celtic designwork motifs, a little pair of dad glasses, and long hair that is either white or just very blonde.

The original character design called for him to sell office furniture. I kept the furniture idea but switched it around - so now he runs an antique shop. And on top of that, he's a Divvy. That means he has a sixth sense that lets him tell a genuine antique from a fake, just by being in its presence. He is educated, well read, and good with woodworking tools. 

So there you go. 




I like it. He really looks much different now. Chucks dad new look.