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And finally, at least for right now, once again for rnixon, here's the next page of our big Foozle comic, which responds to the question "How do you keep a whole page of exposition interesting?" with the answer "Nudist Foozle Crowd Scene."

Those last two pieces that I need to finish up will be along soon, and they will both be tentacle pieces. That wasn't planned, it just sort of worked out that way. 

Anyway, thanks again for being here. 



A Patreon of the Ahts

You know, in spite of all the 'Happy and free' stuff in that picture - there's also 4 cops. What's up with that?


The building with the duplicator is a government building, and as it's one of the most important, it tends to be somewhat heavily protected. Especially during the moments when a brand new Foozle is being brought into the world.