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After reviewing the rewards offered on a few other artist's Patreon pages, I'm starting to think that the rewards I've been offering aren't so hot, which is probably why most of you have settled into the $5 and lower tiers.

$10 for PSD files isn't much enticement, especially when I haven't posted that many PSD files to begin with.

So I'm thinking of offering some additional enticements.

My current thinking is this - patrons at the $10 level, would get to request a sketch each month. Patrons at the $20 level would get an updated notation that they get to request an inked and colored piece each month (which is what it is now, really. This would just be to make it clear) I would then also add a $15 level with a notation that patrons at this level get to request an inked piece. These would, of course, all be subject to my usual comission content limits (no icky stuff - I reserve to decide what icky means)

So, what do you folks think. I'd like to hear your opinions.




I think that would certainly drive some people to sign up. I would just worry about stretching yourself too thin. I suppose I'd just advise thinking hard about how many images to offer each month. Burnout is a terrible thing.


... dang comment double-posting before I was ready. Add: (Draw too fast, paper catches on fire, there's running around, flailing, you have to explain porn-started fire to the fire department, it's not pretty.)


If you look at like, <a href="https://www.patreon.com/bovinian?ty=h">https://www.patreon.com/bovinian?ty=h</a> - she's limited hers to 1 or 2 of each. Of course her tiers are all a lot more expensive than mine, since she's a better, and more popular artist. I suppose I could create an additional tier above $20 - have $20 be for flat color images with simple backgrounds like the Nimbat or Taquito, and maybe have a $30 level for images with lighting FX and digital backdrop paintings like the Foozball machine. I'd probably wanna limit that to a 1-off.