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Hiya folks! Hope you enjoy the latest page of Alone Time.

I currently show four of you folks out there redlisted as DECLINED accounts. What this means, is that although these accounts are pledged, something got messed up somewhere and payments haven't gone though.

I'm going to wait until after the month rolls over and pledges get charged, to see if these four accounts have gotten this fixed, before I go removing anyone from the group.

I should note that one of the accounts currently in default is at the $20 pledge level, so if that account ends up getting the boot, one of you other folks who have been waiting for the coveted $20 art request slot to open, will finally have a shot at it. I have no idea if the system will do that automatically. (and no rnixon, it's not you, it's the other one)

Anyway, just a heads-up. Thanks again for supporting my strangeness!


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