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And to celebrate that the ol' Patreon here hit $100 in patron pledges this week, here's the full size, layered Photoshop file of the FoozBall backdrop image for all of you, of every pledge level.

This should give you a little glimpse into some of what goes into the making of the kinds of backdrops I've been doing for things like the Alone Time comic.

By doing the color, ambient lighting, and individual light sources as separate renders on separate layers, it gives me quicker, and greater control over the final look of an image. I can tweak lights up or down, or even change how they affect the scene (such as those two spotlight layers) on the fly.

This allows for a look that is less realistic, and more painterly. Painterish.

...in the style of a painter.

You know what I mean.

Anyway, enjoy....



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