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And finally we come to this one... 

Way back in issue 3 of COBALT, Twinkle mentions (on page eight) that she is going to be taking part in "a sort of "welcome party." and rnixon wanted to see what that welcome party was going to be. Well, that line had been written because I had originally planned on writing and drawing a comic about it, but over the years, I had never got around to it. 

So, with his permission, and until I run out of pages, I will be telling that story as his commission slot. I'm not sure how many pages it will end up being, but somewhere around eightish, maybe? Possibly ten. And you all get a new Foozle comic out of the deal. 

And on the subject of Foozles: in case you missed the announcement earlier on Fur Affinity, there now exists a Foozle wiki.


There isn't too much there at present, but you can read the entries on Foozles, Delos, the planet Boink, Lewb and the pornographic sport of Foozball, along with an entry on the arcade game of the same name, just to name a few.

I will try to get that last image finished up as soon as I can. I feel a bit dumb about not getting it done in time as it was a Halloween themed picture. Sorry netreek. 

Taking December off should help me finally get caught up, and allow me to unwind a bit before the holidays roll in. 

Onward to November....




Wow, it must be a big deal - those are very formal robes, for Foozles!


Don't worry Cobalt. :) Seeing such a wonderful comic page is WORTH waiting. :)