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A while back, I discovered the timeline function in Photoshop, and decided to see what I could do with it. As an animation tool, it's not that great. Whoever designed the control interface was more interested in having it look pretty onscreen, than in actually making it usable. So, I think that in future, I will probably stick to an actual animation program, to do animation.

Not sure how long I ended up spending on this. I just kinda fiddled with it here and there until one day it was done.

Anyway, here's some heavy antenna action, for you all.





The spirally antennae, they are hypnotic. @.@

Albert Temple

I don't think the timeline function was ever really for animation. You've put it to good use in that category, however. :)


The problem with it is primarily the button icons: << - rewind to first frane < - back one frame > - play >> - forward one frane The industry standard is: |< - rewind << - back one frame > - play >> - forward one frame I defy anyone to use the timeline controls without accidentally hitting the rewind button when they wanted to go back one frame. You can smell the pointy haired management. Somewhere along the line, Make It Pretty beat out Make It Usable.