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Hey all, let's kick things off with this month's holiday-themed request for rnixon, who wanted a Foozle causing holiday havoc with a couple of reindeer guys. The punchline sort of wrote itself. I also decided to go a bit more Rankin/Bass with the reindeer design, just to be different. 

In other news, I still have four more pieces to finish up for you guys for this month, and I can see by the clock on the wall that I'm not gonna make that deadline, as January is only two hours away, and I know that if I rush things I'm just going to screw them up. 

So, look for at least one more image posting some time after midnight. It will be the first porn of the New Year. I will attempt to get the other two finished up and online by tomorrow. 

In the meantime here's this - and as I plan on releasing the fullsize of this on FA as the finale of the fullsize Xmas postings I've been doing there, I'm attaching it here as well for all of you.

Thanks again for being here, and putting up with me through the year. Here's to hoping we all see many more. 




A festive Foozling indeed!