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Hiya folks. It's me again, asking you for your input, because I'm thinking about making another change to my Patreon. This one could be both good and bad, though. So, I don't really know if that's gioiod an idea. I really do need opinions on this. First off, I'm feeling really guilty about those two months that went by without my uploading anything. You guys were paying me, and I let you down. So, this is in partial reaction to that. The other is that I've been looking at how other furry artists are handing their Patreon pages, and thinking that maybe that's the way I should be doing it too. What I'm suggesting is this: Changing from monthly pledges, to a "per page" pledge. So, if, God forbid, another month goes by when I haven't managed to upload anything, you guys don't end up getting stiffed. On the other hand... before my hiatus, I was managing about two pages per month. So, if I go back to that, that would mean that you might be paying twice per month instead of just once. Straw Poll time: http://strawpoll.me/4134258 And please post opinions below. I really do want to know what you think.


Straw Poll



It's easier for me to budget things on a per-monthly basis, but that's me. I also believe that patrons can set a per-month limit on per-item donations? So you can say '$2 per item, not more than $10 per month' or whatever.

Revamp Skunk

I think that a per page option might work out best here, however I think that the pledges should be modified to equal around the same or a bit more than if it was on a per month option.