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Hey everybody... I figured I should update you folks on what's going on with me. For the better part of the past week or so, I've been bed-ridden with a bastard of a cold, flu or something. 

My parents took my Aunt to the hospital for a routine health thing a couple weeks back, and they spent the whole day there with her. They then came home with this bug. It hit both of them and a few days later it got me, too. 

You may notice I haven't really posted anything anywhere, except for a big chunk of text on FA, and an old archive piece by Ferris. This is because my ipad has been the only internet-capable thing at hand.

I've been living on Roccola cough drops, gatorade and ibprofin, a hacking, coughing, painful disgusting mess. I seem to be past the worst of it though, and recovering. Today is actually he first day I've felt well enough to get out of bed. Still kinda woozy, but I need to shove through a whole month's worth of evil twin strips today, if I'm gonna get them out in time to get paid for them. 

I leave for California (Yeah, I still have to do that, no matter how crappy I may still feel) on the 4th. So that leaves me three days to try and get these last couple pieces I owe you folks done. But, I don't want to rush them and have them come-out half-assed. I'll just have to see what I can do in the time I have.  At least with the evil twin strips, I can rush all I want and not have it really matter since they don't need to look good, just be funny, and the jokes are already written.

My big plan to take June off may have been wrecked by this. I'll keep you all posted as things develop.


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