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Howdy folks... I know I still have pending art for March. I'll be posting it as soon as I can get it finished. However, I've just come to a decision, and I think it needs to be addressed now, as early as it can be. 

You've probably noticed I've been running behind, and never quite getting caught up. It's even affecting the posting of Evil Twin too. 

I think I am walking along the edge of burnout. A look back through my commissions folder shows that I have been at this, doing patron requests for seven years now. That's just three years shy of a full decade of working on nearly non-stop patron requests, and in the process I've run myself ragged. It probably hasn't helped that I've been "relaxing" between these patron requests by doing my own projects... which means doing more work on top of all that.

For awhile I had been forcing myself to take weekends off, to try and recharge my batteries a bit, but as I fell further behind, I stopped doing that, just to try and get caught up.

And now... I need a vacation.

So here's the deal: in June, one of my nephews will be graduating, and my parents have decided that we all need to be there for it. So I am being dragged out west for a family visit, which should last about two weeks. 

This seems like an optimum moment to take some time off. So, my plan is to take the month of June off. I'll finish up anything I have due, and then No Evil Twin and No Patron requests for the rest of that month. 

I can, if need be, set the group to "pay per upload" for that month, so that you guys aren't being charged for my inactivity... however, Patreon only allows "charge upfront" for their monthly payment scheme, which would mean that the contents of the group would once again be open to pilfering by the yiffparty website. So, I'm kind of hesitant to do that.

 I would like to hear your thoughts on all of this. So please do respond. 

I'll be getting onto the April requests as soon as I've got march out of the way. Thanks gang, and sorry about all this. Especially to those of you who only just joined up.



Here's a suggestion - don't monkey around with your Patreon settings. Just remind people when the month is coming up. Patreon lets you pause your pledge to a creator for a month - if you go to your profile, then Your Pledges, then click the artist, then click Delete Pledge, one of the options is to just pause the pledge for a month. If you remind people of that, then people who don't want to pay for a month of nothing can skip it, people who still want to support you can, and you don't muck up your rewards or posting or anything.


Yeah, that sounds like a better idea. Especially since Charge Up Front is still technically in the beta stage, and I don't know if I could even switch it back on once it's been turned off.

Star Raccoon

Cobalt. You're my artist of preference. the only artist I pledge to more than the required amount. If you're flirting with burnout please take the time you need to yourself to rest. I will be ready to resume support when you are ready to resume. I will be happy to support you in whatever way possible