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Hiya folks... I still have two more images I need to finish up in the next day or so, but I figured I should go ahead and bulk-post the one that are ready.  So here we go...

First image, for rnixon.... who wanted to see two Delos girls in normal casual Delos outfits. This posed a bit of a challenge, as the normal casual attire of a Delos is nothing at all. But, I reasoned that they would likely have outfits for those times they were off-planet visiting someplace with more restrictive public nudity guidelines... in which case they would tend to wear as little as they could legally get away with.

Daisy, the yellow furred bear on the right is wearing a 2-piece purple outfit in lavender spandex, while on the right we have Butterscotch dressed slightly more daringly in transparent green satin and gold baubles. 

I couldn't resist going a bit mad with the background image.




Quite nice!