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Hiya folks, thanks for still being here. 

As you may or may not be aware, Patreon recently decided to shoot themselves in the foot. And in the process they managed to wound pretty much their entire customer base, yourself and myself included.

Basically, patrons who make pledges now have to pay a service fee. This is a fee that until the change, I was paying - so they shifted the cost from me to you, for no good reason. 

They also decided that payments will no longer be collected and sent to artists at the end of the month. Instead, each patron will be charged on the day they joined up. So if you joined on may 8th, your monthly charge would next come due on june 8th. This has basically made it impossible for patrons and creators alike to budget, because there is no one  single payday/charge day.

There's a story here in comicbeat:


...which says that Patreon know they fucked up, but it also says they don't plan to correct their fuckup.

Earlier this morning, I logged in to find that Patrons have already begun deleting their pledges in outrage. I can't say I blame you. This was an idiot decision made for idiotic reasons, and the fact they know it was a mistake and won't correct it really doesn't bode well.

However... I have come to rely on the money that comes in from my two Patreon accounts. So I'm really hoping that I don't lose any more of you guys over this. 

There's a new service out there from Kickstarter called Drip, which looks like it may wind up being a Patreon competitor. Right now in testing so, iit's invite only. But if/when it does go live for public use, and if Patreon becomes completely unsufferable, I may wind up moving there. But that's all just a maybe for now.

In the meantime, I'm hoping you folks will stick it out with me. 

Thanks again for still being here.



I feel this is really, really going to hurt a lot of webcomic Patreons. A lot of people back a whole slew of comics at a buck each, and those are the backers that are going to feel this the worst. It's not a huge difference at $10 and up, but all those 35 cent fees per dollar, ow.