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Howdy porns fans... Here's the latest news on the whats of what.

On the jury duty slip which I received in the mail, it says that The night before you are due to report for Jury Duty, you are supposed to call in, after 5:30 PM to find out if you actually need to show up. And it turns out.... I don't. 

I was put in Jury Group 22. Only groups 1, 2, and 3 are ordered to report tomorrow. Groups 4 thru 50 (and that's me) are told not to bother unless they really really want to. And I kind of don't. 

However, I am not off scott-free. As I am not reporting tomorrow, my name will be dumped back into the tumble-bin of potential candidates, and anywhere from 4 to 6 months from now, there is a good chance it will be picked. Which means I'll get to go through this all over again. 

On the bright side, I won't be stuck in a dingy courtroom over the holiday season. 

On an even brighter side.... the new monitor has arrived early! It's unpacked, installed and I am typing this on it at this very moment. 

So... all systems go. Full steam ahead, and after I finish helping my father cover our front yard in tiny little colored lights tomorrow, I can get back to drawing you folks some teddy bear porn. 

See you all then.


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