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Howdy folks... I figure I should tell you all about this, because it's an inconvenience that may cut into my usual drawing time. 

As some of you may recall, a couple years back, my monitor died. And I was forced to use my iPad as a temporary screen replacement until the new monitor arrived. 

Well, it's happening again. No, the replacement monitor is fine. However, I have a dual-screen setup, and the other monitor is going now. The backlight has started strobing and that was what the dead screen did right before it went spastic and blew out. Since the monitor that I already replaced, and the one that is currently going were both from the same manufacturer, the same model, and were purchased together from the same store... I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. 

That also means, that I can look at the symptoms here and see the coming blowout ahead of time.

The good news: the new replacement is already ordered, from amazon.

The bad news: it doesn't ship until the end of the month.

If worst comes to worst, I can do a screen-swap - use the good monitor for my photoshop screen, and use my ipad as a temporary "main" screen again.

 I'll keep you posted as things progress.  


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