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Hey everyone, I apologize for the late post as it’s normally on Monday’s

I have been working on the next update and been making progress on Liz and Sasha’s stories, but these last few weeks I have been quite sick and development has been a bit stagnant because of this.

Two weeks ago I presented symptoms of what I supposed to be influenza, although after two days you could say I was "cured", so I continued working for some nights on the new content, quite cold nights since it is winter here right now, and I started to get worse again, but this time it was much worse.

During the following days, I also suffered an acute tonsillitis, probably caused by the cold, and I started to suffer worse and worse symptoms, difficulty breathing, fever and chills, among other things, but still I kept on forcing myself to work, if only to make a little more progress in the update, even though it was slower due to the symptoms.

As the days went by, the symptoms got even worse; I coughed blood and my eyes were irritated, due to a conjunctivitis caused by the disease, at the end my fever got worse, and I started to feel scared, I thought it was Covid, but the doctor said it wasn't like that, but a very bad bronchitis.

Only a few hours ago I was able to stand up again, and write this post, I realized that I have lost 8 kilograms of weight, and I am still quite weak....

I've done my best to make the necessary progress on the new Lucky Paradox content, and I'm sorry to have to postpone the next update, at least just a little bit, while I manage to recover enough to continue.

I'm sorry about this whole situation, and I hope to be back soon with more updates.



Aye get well soon, get your rest!! much love <3

Superior Sol

Yep, just get better. I know what its like to lose someone to sickness. My 31 year old son passed from Covid and it was fast. So do what you gotta do to make sure you get better, ok?


I am very sad to read this, thank you so much for your words sorry :(


Just rest and recuperate for the time being. Get back to full strength then worry about progress. No game is worth the overexertion you're putting yourself through. Everything will be there when you're back to 100% and I don't mind the waitas it gives me time to catch up on story content