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   Hello everyone ;)

   Tomorrow comes the public release of version 0.8.4, while on Friday will be released version 0.8.5 for the Citizen.

   From time to time, I like to make small adjustments to the Patreon tiers, according to the feedback received from some of you, so after much thought I have decided to reconsider the change I made last time with the Tourist tier.

   That time I had hidden some tiers to keep the Patreon page tidier, so I had created a new Tourist tier and hidden the old one, however the new tier doesn't have a good "reward level" compared to the old one, unless of course, I start making the announcement posts exclusively for Patreon, which I think wouldn't be a good idea.

   That’s why I'm going to revert the previous change and replace the Tourist tier with the previous one, although I'll make sure to give enough quotas so that the current Tourists have time to change and improve their rewards for helping the development of the game, however, if you do not switch from one Tourist to another, I will still give you the same rewards as the new Tourist.

   Also, Tourist can try the 0.8.5 version on May 12, which comes with a lot of content.

   So, from now on this will be the new mode, and I hope I won't have to make any more adjustments in the future hahaha

   See you soon!




Thank you for these answers to our prayers! This is exciting news and builds the anticipation of what is to come! Thank you also, and especially, for all the hard work you continually put into this amazing creative effort!