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Hello everyone and welcome to a new sneak peek of Lucky Paradox

These weeks have been quite hard for the development of Lucky Paradox, and I've also been a few days behind the release date I had planned, but I didn't want to rush so as not to affect the quality of the new update.

The necessary renders and images have already been finished, as well as many corrections to the script, so the only thing left for the release is to finish the programming, which has been a little more complex than usual and has required a greater amount of testing.

Now let's go with some images, though I will avoid showing the most relevant ones in terms of the plot, to avoid spoilers.

Now a profile page has been added of Galila in the Social tab, since in the future a secondary story will be added with her.

This will probably be the last addition for a long time to the Social tab, since from now on I will be adding the side stories that you have been waiting for a long time. My candidate for the next secondary story is Helena, the librarian, since she is a girl with whom we will be able to interact from the beginning of the game.

A new location has also been added, where we will be able to interact with Galila, which is now fully functional.

You will be able to see a young Galila in one of the flashbacks of this update.

I wanted to give you a touch of "black and white horror movie" (even she seems quite scared with what is happening).

Together with Mary it will be necessary to make a night visit to the witch of Argleton in search of answers, but as soon as they set foot inside the cabin... Strange things start to happen...

Mary is very frightened and wants to escape from there as soon as possible, but they can't afford to leave there empty-handed.

The romantic date with Maxy that happens at the Yorokobi will be an unforgettable night, where everything will happen (or almost), a mix of eroticism with comedy where everything gets out of control as the evening progresses.

Try to guess what could be going on here (Wrong answers only xD):

There will be a pretty funny dynamic going on during this event with you, Maxy and Bonnie, the rookie waitress at the Yorokobi. And, if you are attentive to some background details, you will be able to see a "little" detail, although I think many will ignore it considering the bizarreness of this whole event hahaha

These are just a few details of everything to come, there will also be new revelations regarding Maxy and Mary's story, and we'll know many details of their past and a little nod to what's to come, plus two new potion events, one for each girl.

That's been enough for one Sneak Peek!

I want to take my time to do enough testing to make sure everything works as well as possible, so the Patreon-exclusive Alpha version will be released on Friday this week :)

Before I say goodbye, I send you a hug from afar and wish you a beautiful week <3

And see you soon with more news!




Wow! So much to look forward to! Thank you for all the work you keep putting into the development of this amazing game!

Starless Sky

Clearly Maxi has eaten too much spicy food and now her tongue needs to cool down! Loving the love and effort you keep putting into this game, keep up the amazing job you are doing!