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Hello everyone and welcome to a new sneak peek of Lucky Paradox

There is less, and  less time left to finish the next update, but it's also time to enter the testing area, and that's usually the hardest part (that was she said xD).

For this progress report I will try to be as brief as possible, since most of the time I have been focused on a work that is monotonous and mainly divided between making renders, correcting some texts and programming.

Besides being a bit weak due to some health problems, so writing a long report is difficult for me hahaha

As for what is story, now that the base of the potion system is finished, I've added two special events, one for Yui and another of Shizuka and Kaede, both are more or less extensive events for what has been LP so far, so I hope you enjoy them <3

As for the requirements to activate these events, you simply need the corresponding money for a growth potion (Whose value varies according to Clara's story progress) and two violet hearts either with Yui and with Shizuka (Kaede doesn't need hearts to participate in the event).

Half of the code has been completed so far, though I have decided to postpone the small expansion of the beach for the next update, since for the moment, it does not have too much importance and I prefer to save that time to concentrate on the present, since there is still a lot to test.

Finally, one fifth of the renders have been finished, not counting the postproduction required for some images and interface elements. The renders will be my focus from now on, in order to finish the update as soon as possible.

It is still difficult to give an exact date, due to the time needed to test everything, but it is very possible that it will be before the next progress report :)

Well, here we conclude this summary <3

As always, I send you a hug from afar and I wish you have a beautiful week.

See you soon with more news!



Morgan Standley

I look forward to “expanding” my horizons….

Long Tran

...I need to downsize a few chests.... I prefer balance above all else.


Get well soon!


Is the furry update coming out alongside the potions or after?


Im not sure about furry thing rn, but it will not be ready for this update, cause i want to focus on "one feature at time"


Glad you add new events for both Yui and Shizuka and Kaede, and sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Get well!


Don't die on me, I want to see how the game concludes. I know regular updates are a great standard to hold, but if you need some time off, I'm fine waiting a while for you. Look out for number 1 first Stawer, or your fans will never get to see your work complete.


i hope you feel better amazing work on Lucky Paradox definitely has all the great makings of a top tier novel keep up the good work but feel better first as always.