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Hello everyone and welcome to a new sneak peek of Lucky Paradox

It's been a few weeks of many ups and downs, but at least everything has continued in a good way.

First, that's one small step for man, one giant leap for citizen's of Argleton (just joking): From now on it will have a new icon, since the old icon had not been changed after the Remake. 

A comparison image for you to see for yourselves :)

Starting from where we left off in the last progress report, as I have been working in many parts of the new content.

The whole system including birthdays, measurements, and other new information in the character profiles has been finished. It has turned out to be a lot more work than I thought, as I had to work on the complete code for 13-character profiles: The main girls and each of the secondary girls that have been added so far.

I've organized the birthday dates in such a way that there is an adequate space of time between each of them, so that, when adding future special birthday events, this won't hinder the dynamics of the gameplay. Anyway, there are so many parallel story lines running at the same time during the game, that some situation could occur. However, while working on this, I ran into a big problem.

Liz's birthday falls on August 27th.

But while doing my round of testing in the game, I realized that the month of August does not exist in LP (A huge bug). So, the calendar has a direct transition from July to September, terrible... A bug that was surely there since the Remake last year.

This meant a lot of hours trying to find a solution, not only it meant adding August in the code but also looking for an ideal solution to not break the game saves (Maxima priority), at the time meant a big moment of stress, as I had promised that there would be no difficulties with the game saves, and I didn't want to break that promise.

But after a lot of trying, I had a moment of inspiration and made a mathematical adjustment that solved this bug completely, but it took more time than I had planned. Still, I think it was the best possible scenario, since the save games are still compatible :)!

From now on, the calendar system should work completely fine.

Also, during the Night/Day transition, we will be able to see a message telling us that a girl's birthday is available. At that time, the age of the girl in question will add one (+1) to her age, including a special sound effect.

The second problem I found was with the fireflies that allow "time travel" to enjoy the special events (Halloween and Christmas), since the game calculates the age of each girl according to the time we have been playing. However, these "time travels" could break this and strange cases with the ages, anyway, it was nothing that could be solved with another mathematical adjustment.

In the end, I have decided that those who already have saved games, start counting the ages as if they were just starting to play.

Finally, the last addition to this feature is about the pinups that we will unlock by acquiring each girl's information.

The original idea was to get a special pinup after getting the measurements of each girl, however, to make it more rewarding for the player I have made a small change:

  • When getting the height/weight we would get an SFW image.
  • While when obtaining the measurements, we would get the NSFW version of the same.

In total there would be 26 exclusive renders, since right now there are 13 girls available with two images for each one. I think it's a fun addition hahaha

As for the music in the game, I've made changes in the algorithm in charge of selecting the music themes for the game. These change from week to week, but with the new algorithm, now the music themes will be repeated less often.

Along with this, a new music theme has been finished and will be added to the free mode music theme rotation, so far, we will have 8 relaxing music themes to enjoy Argleton.

Finally, story writing, right now I'm working on Sasha's main story, which includes a lot of new answers that will have an impact on the main story. Plus, a big final reveal, which for those who have been paying attention to the game's lore will be quite revealing.

So, when will everything be ready?

Normally I don't like to give a specific date, because in the development of Lucky Paradox things get complicated, but right now I'm aiming for the 20th of this month. I promise to do my best to keep this date, but I don't want to affect the quality of the game by speeding it up more than I should.

And that's it for this progress report!

I hope you are well, and I wish you a beautiful week.

See you soon with more news!






I love the "mathematical adjustment" phrase.... I can feel the pain behind.


It's June 20th! Big hype!! What's the news? :3