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Hello everyone and welcome to a new sneak peek of Lucky Paradox

I didn't know whether to write this post in a" Sneak Peak" format or as an" Overview of the Next Update", so in the end I decided to do a mix of both lol

In a previous post I mentioned that I had been working and experimenting on three possible updates, any one of those could be a possible 0.8 release and would include a very distinct focus on what the next update would be. In the end, I've settled on the Museum update.

One part of game design that I love is the possibility to add new locations, mechanics, new people, and novel features. I like the idea that, in addition to the story content, there are also new features in other aspects, however, this time I wanted to approach this differently, instead of bringing more new features, I want to add detail and depth to what is already available in Lucky Paradox.

I like to define well my priorities before facing a big update like version 0.8, and I like to show the focus I want to have during those weeks of work.

For now, my priorities will be the following:

  • Adding story content for the main girls. 
  • Adding Liz's side story.
  • Giving more utility to the attributes.
  • Adding all possible life upgrades that have been suggested to me.

I would have liked to do a special event for Valentine's Day, but I feel like there have been too many special events for a while and I want to concentrate on the main story.

Through Liz's new content, we will be able to learn more details of the story, perform a kind of "archeology" of the ancient times of Argleton and fill the museum with what we find. Depending on our knowledge attribute we will be able to collect more information of each finding, we cannot stay only with Liz's point of view, since the conclusions could be a little exaggerated... Right?

Instead of the special event for Valentine's Day, this time only seven outfits will be added for each of the girls. The concept is the same for all of them, but each one has a special design and details to make them distinguishable. I think it makes for a fun result.

We will be able to see the girls wearing these outfits in the new main menu of the game, just as happened with the Christmas outfits in version 0.7.5.

These will be the last costumes I'm going to add for a while, I think they've been enough, and I'd like to add more utility to the ones already in the game. I don't rule out adding some special ones for Yui or Charlotte, so that they have the same number of costumes as the other girls, but this would be in a future update.

From now on, if our level of Charisma, Subtlety or relationship with a girl is sufficient, we will be able to obtain personal information from her; such as her birthday, age, or measurements. This will be through direct conversations and not as part of the story.

As I plan to add more perks, special gifts or interesting items for secondary content, I have finalized the gift store.

As before, we will have to talk to Alice if we want to access the gift store. It has a similar design to the costume store, but this time it is asymmetrical (Alice will be on the right side instead of the left side like Kendra), although for now we can only buy Maxy's guitar (Bonus $ for shows), this already to go adding more new things.

As for the main story, this time it will be focused on giving more answers. More cross story between the main girls will be added, and important details will be revealed. Possibly Liz's story will come in two parts, as significant plot points will also be revealed during her story, as well as bringing a lot of World Building content during the collection of items for the Museum.

It will be as big an update or maybe a little bigger than version 0.7 (Not to be confused with version 0.7.5 which was a Christmas special). I like the feeling of getting better and better with each major update, so that's my intention right now, there's a lot to do.

One feature I'd also like to develop more, is to give utility to the depravity points we get with each girl (Purple Hearts). I would like to add extensions to the scenes that are already available during the game and thus give a sense of progression to the relationship we forge with the girls. Potentially even unlocking some short scenes (Kinky) when we are doing some activities with them.

I also want to add direct interactions such as hugs, kisses, headpats, etc... as our relationship level increases (Red Hearts), but as time is limited, I will see during development how much of this is possible to add.

For the quality of life improvements, I want to add a way to streamline navigation between the girls' profiles and perhaps see an alternative to an "auto" button in the Android version, perhaps also adding more compression on mobile devices. As always, these kinds of small additions tend to be time-consuming.

I will be revealing this kind of information during Sneak Peeks in the coming weeks and listening to your suggestions, I think a great game is also a result of the community's suggestions, so I will always be responsive to what you have to say.

And that's it for today's post!

I send you a big hug from afar and wish you a lovely week <3

See you soon with more news!




I really like the costumes! They look really good. I’m really excited for gifts since I think that will add more immersion for the girls. Learning more info about the girls is always good so you feel closer to them. Depravity hearts and direct interactions are great additions too. Can’t wait to see the museum and what craziness Liz brings XD


<p style="color: #008600;">I definitely like what priorities you put for this update, and focusing on the main story now is the right idea.</p>