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Hello everyone and welcome to a new sneak peek of Lucky Paradox!

This has been a week with some problems that have slowed down the development of the game, but I think it has happened will serve as experience, but for now I must take some measures.

First though, a bit of context:

During this week I've been working on new content for Layla and Gia, plus a bit of nighttime content to set the Miss Pumpkin. This update will be focused on what on showing some details of Argleton's past and more connections and interaction between Gia and Layla, as well as delving more into their stories, since, so far, Gia has been kept out of the story.

As planned, I have made some last improvements to the Alpha for the Beta release and a few minutes after the download was uploaded, I have been informed that some texts were in Spanish...

At that moment I thought... But what happened if I had tested everything?

To get out of doubt, I started to check the game script and I found the problem. There were many texts changed between the English and Spanish languages, including texts that were fine in the Alpha version and the Enhanced Edition. This was strange, since I hadn't made any changes in that part of the script during these weeks, so there shouldn't be any changes and even less drastic ones like this.

That's when I start looking for the origin of this problem. At first I thought it was just a compilation problem easy to fix... I just had to make another build and upload it, but the problem was still there.

As I go deeper into the search, I realize that there was a file corruption problem.

My way of keeping the game files "healthy", is to make backups constantly (You never know what could happen); on the one hand, a copy is made on an external hard drive every Monday at 8 am, and on the other hand, a backup is made in the cloud once a day, which is automatic. And in some way that I can't understand in detail yet, the cloud backup that was made on Thursday, caused the game files to be corrupted and generated some serious problems, among those the changes in the text languages.

I had no other solution than to reuse the backup copy that was on the hard disk (the one from every Monday) and restart the file in the cloud (since the files were corrupted and with changed data), which made me lose a little more than three days of work, but at least I managed to stabilize the game. Without the disk copy, this error could have been fatal, i believe that the loss has been small in spite of everything.

This might sound like a simple problem to fix, but I have to consider three days of lost work and the time to find the whole problem... So I have to work overtime to make up for lost time. (Yay Crunch time!!!) 

For now I have been reorganizing everything so as not to suffer something like this again. I guess precautions can never be enough. 

In a few hours a new Beta 1 hotfix will be available, with all these issues fixed, so you can enjoy the game.

I wish you a beautiful week <3

And really... I'm sorry for this inconvenience...




No sweat dude, things happen :)


It’s okay don’t worry. At least you made back ups XD you are still the best &lt;3


Even in the future nothing works. (Darth Helmet)


My man don't worry, thankfully u had an ace in the sleeve and u didn't loose all, u are doing it very well &lt;3


(Timmy sez): “Aw shucks Mr. Stawer dont you fret none! Im shore glad you are gonna fix everything up even betterer!”😀😀😀😀


Don’t worry - these things happen. Backups are a good thing, but you should consider using version control software, like Git - check out GitLab or GitHub.


Could not agree more with this. Makes development so much transparent and safe from such kind of issues


we are using, 2 things to keep everything in order... Bitbucket and mega sync


This is why I never save anything in the cloud. Using physical storage is the only way to go. I mean, imagine if you lost the internet for a day or two, what would happen then? I have 10 SSD's, (including 3 4tb's,) with backups of backups of backups of personal stuff, and I would not do it any other way. I would not trust the cloud with anything at all. Especially something as vital as this! But I am really glad you managed to get (or are getting things,) sorted. Looking forward to the next update.


It's a very good idea to have BOTH local physical backups on hard disk drives AND cloud storage backups. The local physical drive backups should be on server-grade HDD's or enterprise-class SSD's rated for over 3000 TBW of SSD read/write endurance. Ideally, the local physical backup HDD's and SSD's should be in RAID configurations in case one or two of those drives fails, in which case one can simply replace the failed drives and fully restore all data from the healthy drives in the array. Having cloud data backups is really important, even if you have robust, redundant local physical HDD or SSD RAID backups. Cloud backups can save your valuable data in case your local physical drives are stolen, fail mechanically or electronically, become corrupted over time, or are destroyed in a fire, flood, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, or any other common disasters that regularly affect homes and businesses.


LOL I understood about 12 words of that comment! I do not have the drives connected at all times. In fact I usually only have 2 drives connected at once. The other drives are stored in a small cloth zipped bag and stay there till needed. At the moment I have my m.2 2tb C drive connected (obviously I guess,) and my 2tb gaming SSD connected and that's it. And as I said, the rest are stored away in the bag to be used if necessary. OK, I do have a bunch of USB flash drives, but, I don't really think of them as real storage devices, as my biggest capacity of those in only 64gb. I mainly use them for Windows installations.


No probs, Mr. Stawer! Thanks for the info! We know you will come good in the end.


I would love to see a romance develop with Gia!!!