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   This update has been the most difficult to finish, not only because of the accident, but also because I wanted to add too much in too little time, which in the end was counterproductive and took a lot of time for testing and corrections.

   I think I must apologize, and I hope you can enjoy the update <3

Love you guys!

Important things to keep in mind:

  • Save in a new slot, in case the worst happen.

If you play on Android. Before uninstall, do a back-up of your saved files located on: SD: Android > data > Lucky Paradox > Files > Saves.


  • 110 - 140 min of New Content~
  • 27 New Animations.
  • 4 New Events Added to the Gallery.
  • New Continue Button to Prevent Data Loss.
  • Gallery Expansion for Maxy.
  • 3 New Original Theme Song..
  • New Mary Story Content.
  • New Maxy Story Content.
  • New Side Girl: Sarah Grant.
  • 2 New Rol Events with Mary.
  • Four new interaction with Mary.
  • Two new interaction with Maxy.
  • New random event: Maxy in the shower at Sunset, with three levels: Watching her, bathing with her and sex, depending on the progress in her story.
  • New random event: Mary in the shower at Sunset, with three levels: Watching her, bathing with her and sex, depending on the progress in her story.
  • New Location: Museum with six sub locations.
  • New Founder's Board: You can ask for your name to be added if you are Patreon and your name will be visible in the next version.
  • New costume for Mary (Elizabeth).
  • New costume for Mary (Isabella).
  • New costume for Maxy (Elizabeth).
  • New costume for Maxy (Sexy Girl).
  • New costume for Layla (Astrid).
  • The Profit Calculation was Balanced: You now earn between 60% and 100% more by raising the corresponding attribute and the popularity gain was decreased by 20%. This is to decrease the popularity grind and to be able to acquire money faster at the beginning of the game.
  • Mary can now help you with restaurant work, increasing your earnings per attribute by an extra 50% over the previous balance.
  • Code Rework on Android version.
  • Tons of typos and text has been fixed.
  • More bugs have been fixed


  • More than 40 bugs has been fixed
  • Tons of typos has been corrected






Phenomenal job as always. Looking forward to playing this tonight.


Awesome update! I really loved Mary’s story and Maxy’s was super interesting too! All the costumes were amazing &lt;3. Layla’s is pretty bad ass. The role playing was hilarious xDDDD Great work Stawer! &lt;3


Well, good bye world xD I'm super hyped to play it, with all the content you showed us with the little peeks I'm 100% sure it's gonna be A W E S O M E, thank you for all &lt;3 ! And don't worry for the delay, we understand the situation you were in, wich didn't allow you to add the amount of content you wanted


YAAAAASSSS!!!! Thank you so much! :D :D :D Super stoked to get at it!

Matt Arendt

Looking forward to playing it.

Matt Arendt

Also Stawer I can’t determine if I’m actually your patron, could you PM me to let me know. I’m getting mixed messages from the app and website.


it seems to be so, otherwise you would not see this post xD

Matt Arendt

Interesting because it says payment canceled and I can’t PM you.

Matt Arendt

Well I hope that I can download the latest release


No worries! I'm looking forward to playing it.


Sooooo I was playing this at another pc and I changed it now soo I lost my save file is it possible for you to add a save file that we can use that has all the 0.5 content done?

Chet Congo

New Side Girl: Sarah Grant. is there any content with her or just the introduction


I'm using android and when I download the update it doesn't update all of the features in the game, all it did was give me Maxys new story with no way to talk to side girl, and the temple girls still say story complete.