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   Hiya everybody :D

   Such a curious title… right?

    Last month I said I was working on a big announcement that would significantly affect the development of Lucky Paradox. And so far, everything has gone great, so I think it's time to announce what's coming up this year.

   But first, a little of context.

   As some of you know in the community, I am currently studying computer and software engineering at the university, to which I must add a job, which in turn is my main source of income and above all, I must add the development of Lucky Paradox.

   The year 2020 was a really difficult year in many ways. In my case it was quite a few months of lack of sleep and hard work. Weeks in which I slept between two and four hours to finish the Lucky Paradox updates on time. However, watching the community grow and talking to the small family that has built up in the Discord made it all completely worthwhile. All the hard work and overwork always left me with a smile at the end of the day.

   However, sometimes it was no longer possible to endure the fatigue after those long days... It had been months in which I had barely had a few days off, just kept going without looking at the sides (like a racehorse xD).

   During all this time, Sirxtias, a very close friend, was helping me in the shadows. Correcting the texts, working on the translation, and testing each update in order to catch as many bugs as possible. After all this, I feel that we are a team.

   However, there was one day when I couldn't take the pressure anymore... Yes, It was my fault for taking more responsibilities than I could handle. At that time it was not possible to leave the university, since I was going to fail everything I had worked for. It wasn't possible to quit my job either, since there were people who depended on me and I didn't want to leave them so suddenly without tell them the situation. The only thing I had left was to abandon the development of Lucky Paradox... But the very idea caused me a lot of pain. 

   I remember talking to Sirxtias with tears in my eyes trying to tell him that I couldn't go through with it... But the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth. I felt that saying that after all we had been through was going to be a betrayal... I even tried to talk to the community on the discord channel, but I was so broken that I couldn't say anything, so I just said goodbye and decided to go to bed totally defeated.

   And I slept for almost twenty hours straight xD

   The next day I joined to the chat and was surprised to see part of the community concerned. Some had noticed my sudden change in attitude and lack of encouragement. And I realized that not only would I be betraying Sirxtias, but I would be betraying the whole beautiful community that was growing up with me and Lucky Paradox.

   So I was thinking, what should I do?

   On the one hand, there was the university, but I couldn't give that up yet.

   On the other was Lucky Paradox, but after what I had seen, it was impossible for me to postpone development.

   And then my work... That was the only thing I could give up if I wanted to go on with this. But I couldn't leave it so suddenly.

   I was also afraid of living from Patreon is something that seems risky to me and at the same time, I have to consider that I was giving up my professional development by leaving my job. But after talking with Sirxtias and Red about the whole thing, I decided to take the risk.

   I looked for someone to replace me at my job for a few weeks, and then I told them the news. This last one happened in December.

   Then I dedicated myself to finishing the finals of the university, while dedicating the remaining time to the development of LP. Everything was going well, but at that point I had another problem... But I’m not going to deep on it, I need to move to another place.

   So... what's going to happen now?

   During this year, my main work will be the development of Lucky Paradox. There are still so many things planned to be added, that, if I keep going with this rhythm, the game won’t be finished even in ten years... okay maybe not that much… 

   During the month of January, I must move. I am looking for a good place to work where I can focus on development and respond in the best way for all the support I have been given. I know this will take a little, but it’ll be the last distraction I have to eliminate. (I hope I don't get sick from Covid...)

   tl;dr : Once the version 0.6 is finished, the development of Lucky Paradox will change for better. There will be more content in less time and the wait between each version won’t be so eternal.

   Soon we will see each other again with some news about version 0.6D!

   Love you all and thank you for this opportunity <3




I'm glad those of us in the community were able to help you feel better. At the same time, you do need to take breaks for your health. Thank you for making such a great game for us as well as the server that brought us together. I love you Stawer. Take care of yourself buddy


Nothing makes me more happy to know that all of us together could give you at least, a bit of motivation, and I totally admire how well you handled the situation in the end, it truly is impresive. I'm also glad to know that you're gonna do what you mostly want rn ^^ and I wish you good luck finding that place u need as soon as posible and that you'll be safe and sound &lt;3


A life is full of battles. Most you will never start yourself but you have to be strong and fight. But that’s not the worst, you have to live the next day with the choices you make. This is a hard choice and your fans will reciprocate. Thank you for your work.


Sorry to hear about all the stress you've been going through. Glad to hear about the decisions you've made. Don't forget to always take care of yourself first. Good luck on finding some new living arrangements.


You have faced a lot of adversity and have worked so hard to get where you are now. I love our discord community and we are a family that picks each other back up. It is extremely difficult to juggle through so much and want to continue your passion project and I admire that you continue to push through and do it. I’m always going to support you, help you out, and be there. Love you stawer &lt;3


Thanks for the words, I know probably that I don't do too many things like you but I like to think that we are a team after all, and despite you're the main dev, I'm the one who's helping you everytime


The good thing about having a bad year is that the next one can only be better xD


Something will appear soon, at least it's something solvable :D


Stawer &lt;3 Sirxtias &lt;3 Everycutie on the Discord &lt;3

Starless Sky

As someone who isn't active on discord, I need posts like this from the devs I'm supporting, to really learn and know what is going on BTS. I just want to thank both you (Stawer) and Sirxtias for the amazing game you guys are putting out there. I hope the necessary move goes smoothly and that the great community behind you (from what I see in the comments so far) will only continue to grow. Best to the both of you and keep your heads up high 😉


You are awesome my man, you and Stawer do huge work, honestly, 10/10


Hello! Nice post ;-)


I can't speak for others, but personally I'd be fine if the games development had to be interrupted for awhile. I like it and would like to see it finished eventually, but if you think you need to take a break from it then please do so.