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   Greetings <3

   Just a few days for Christmas!

   These last two weeks I have been very busy with my final exams at the University, so it has not been possible to finish the update before Christmas, it was the date I had estimated for the release. However, due to the delay, I have decided to add a little more content in this version, which should be available during the days between Christmas and the New Year.

   Sasha's story of this version is almost finished. Through the new content it will be possible to connect many loose ends that have been left in the story. Know a little more about the second Argleton and try to find the great treasure she has been looking for, although of course, for that she will need our help. Although it is still difficult to deduce what her real intentions are... Two new interactions have been added (Going to the beach and going to the Hot Springs) and there is also a secret event, which is directly connected to Yui.

   Clara's story has also been added and will be quite different from the other side stories so far, as our role as players will be completely different, but I prefer to avoid giving more details so as not to get into spoilers, so you'll have to find out for yourselves when the time comes. Progressing in your story will also give us new interactions with Clara and the possibility of opening a small tearoom at the hot springs.

   Eight new costumes have been added to Kendra's store!

   As I announced a few days ago, this version will include seven new Christmas costumes for each of the girls. And it will also include an exclusive costume for Sasha, which will be the 2B suit, and which was the second most voted suit a few months ago.

   As for the Christmas costumes, for now they will only be a cosmetic detail, but they will take much more relevance when the calendar system is added in future updates.

   So that officially makes this release, like the most costume update so far!

   Right now, I'm working on an improvement in the secondary girls' gallery, to make it visually more good looking, since in the future there will be many more secondary stories to add, not counting the expansions of the already existing secondary stories, like those of Shizuka, Kaede and Sophia.

   I have also been working on the new Museum, which I hope to have finished by version 0.6D, along with a lot of content work to come.

   Finally, and perhaps most importantly. I am working on a surprise, which will be announced once version 0.6C is finished, as I still must adjust a few details. But that will impact in a very positive way in the future development of the game, in a few words: More content in less time.

   And that's all for now!

   Thank you for all your support you have given to make this possible!

   Take care and see you soon with more news.

  Bye <3




Awesome! Love the content and is very exciting! Lots of great stuff to look forward to and good luck with your finals! Thank you for making costumes for all the girls. While cosmetic it still looks beautiful. Can't wait for all the new exciting things in the future

Starless Sky

Can't wait for all this amazing news stuff.. Lucky Paradox is by far one of my favorite games I found on Patreon. Keep up the good work and I hope your exams went/will go well.


A clean work as always, worry not for the delay, first comes first ❤️ I'll be looking forward for all the content you're adding ^-^ good luck with the finals!!!




Knock out finals, return to code. Seems like a good plan. :) Work then play!


I'm new how do down load the game and do all the updates


the latest link is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lucky-paradox-0-45595987 and faq is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lucky-paradox-f-44020849 hope it helps :D