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   Hey everyone!

   I hope you’re having a good week <3

   Since the release of version 0.6B I’ve been doing a lot of testing and studying the possibilities of expanding Lucky Paradox. I think it’s time to take a step forward in some of the planned features and make this something much more ambitious.

   A lot of people know that one of my main sources of inspiration are the games Stardew Valley and My Time at Portia, but more focused on the characters and less on the grinding. However, I feel that there are still many elements missing that would add a lot to the game, and by that I mean real things that happen in this world.

   Don't get me wrong the mechanics of Lucky paradox won't be more complex, but will be deeper intuitive and easy to understand, so that Argleton feels more alive and real.

   I have been working on a lot of elements focused exclusively on this and on a general improvement of the game, which will be revealed once version 0.6 is finished. As always, I like to work on creating a solid game base, which can be branched out and enlarged exponentially. For now, we have the 7 main stories (one for each girl) and the secondary stories... But there is still more to come.

   One of the great features that I would like to add, is the calendar system. I am interested in the fact that the day counter is not only a number, but also provides value on an individual basis. By this I mean that a month like October feels completely different from February or April. Time is a fundamental element in the story of Lucky Paradox.

   New special events will be added. These sort of events are activated during specific days. Halloween events will only appear during the month of October or Christmas events during December. They will change and be different according to the progress we have with each of the girls. It will not be the same to spend Christmas day with Prim as with Mary, who is going to visit her mother, or in the case of the dragons, who have much more traditional Bagliore family customs. It will be possible to enjoy the anniversary of Argleton or even celebrate the birthday of each of the girls. 

   During these months it will be possible to get special costumes and also adapt to the special content that will come in the future (which is a lot, but I still do not want to reveal everything xD).

Christmas Costumes Example:

Halloween Costumes Example:

   During version 0.7, some Christmas content will be added. Although the calendar system will not be implemented in all its glory yet, you will be able to interact with a new firefly that will make it possible to see the future, and thus see part of this content, without having to wait for a specific day within the game. This will only be something temporary.

   I just want to add the four seasons in the future and see the four faces of Argleton (Winter, Fall, Spring and Summer), where you will see subtle changes in the backgrounds and many other details in people's behaviors and the way they play. For now this is a dream that seems far away, though if our community keep growing as it has til’ now, I’ll keep dreaming about it and maybe one day I would be able to do it <3

   If everything goes well, I will soon make another announcement, which will impact in a very positive way the development of Lucky Paradox and that will allow to have more content in less time, besides being able to improve the quality of everything seen until now.

   Thank from the bottom of my heart all those who have supported me and made all this possible!!!

   If you wanna know something just ask and see you soon with more news <3

   Take Care :D




Seasonal events sound awesome. Keep up the great work Stawer. You are truly an excellent game dev


stawer always on top of stuff to make the game better in many ways keep up the awesome ideas and work


Love it! I really love the seasons idea to make it more immersive and even more fun! I definitely would have Christmas with prim &lt;3. Also all the other events such as birthdays is an awesome idea. Love the ideas and keep up the great work stawer!


How can I give my soul?

