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Hello everyone!

First of all, I want to thank you for all the words of encouragement and love that you all dedicated to me during this last week, I have really felt all that love and it has helped me to face the loss of my mother in a better way, although it is still very difficult for me, that positivity has helped me to get out of that hole I was in and move forward.

Really, thank you all so much, you are the most beautiful community out there.


I like to do this kind of post once a year, where I make some improvements here and there, thanks to the observations and thoughts I've had during this time. Although this time the changes won't be as many as the previous times, since I think everything has been going well, but there is always room for improvement.

1.     Development of Lucky Paradox

It has always been my intention to make Lucky Paradox better with each update, trying to include new ideas and concepts, as well as offering unique details. I have a huge list of improvements to make to the game, but there are always limits of time and resources to implement all these ideas, so it is necessary to make some decisions about it, to make use of everything in the most efficient way possible.

One of those ideas that has remained unfinished is the soundtrack of Lucky Paradox, which I have always wanted it to be music that is soothing and friendly, but while maintains a consistency between each theme, however, it was necessary to leave this section on pause for a long time, but I want to take it up again.

It would also be great to make a Youtube channel where to upload the Lucky Paradox music themes, so you can enjoy them at any time, besides working on new themes with the help of HitCtrl, since in my opinion he has done a wonderful job for the game, and slowly replacing all the current copyright free music to give the game more personality. For now, I've been making some cuts here and there to gather enough money to dedicate to this section. Hopefully, if the support increases, I will be able to dedicate more resources to this section and complete the Lucky Paradox OST.

Another important aspect has to do with the secondary content of the game, so far I have been choosing the content that I think more appropriate for each update, but I think you could also participate in this decision, I plan to make some exclusive Polls for Patrons, where you vote for the secondary girl, and the winner is the one that will get new content in the next update. One or two of the main girls (Prim, Maxy, Charlotte, Layla, Yui, Liz or Sasha) will also continue to receive content. The intention is to include a variety of girls in those Polls, to avoid the same option winning over and over again.

I also plan to make other types of Polls, such as Kinks or Features, to know your opinions.

In addition to the Polls, I intend to implement new options to get feedback from the Patrons, so that there is more communication between us. Possibly with an exclusive Patreon Chat or something similar, although I will let you know about this change when the time comes.

And finally, at some point I want to start revisiting old scenes and animations, to give them a deserved remaster, since they were made quite some time ago and do not have the current quality. I want to do this sporadically, to avoid delays in the main development.

If the support on Patreon is increasing, I can improve the development times (ideally up to a maximum of two months), and add sound effects to the erotic scenes, so that they are more immersive and exciting.

I am confident that we can reach 2000!

2.     Free Updates

This was possibly the hardest decision to make on this list, and I plan to be as honest as I can about it.

The timing of free update releases needs to change.

Free updates have been a huge source of stress and negativity over the last year.

After every release comes a wave of new players, which translates into a ton of questions about the installation, negative reviews, complaints for too specific reasons, among many other problems, which reduces my productivity and has become a wearing process, because it is an extra source of stress between external factors added to everything else, which slows down the development.

So, from now on I prefer to concentrate those efforts on creating new content faster and on the feedback delivered by Patrons.

The change I have in mind is to make the free update go public once the next update for Patrons is available. This means that version 0.9.3 will go public once version 0.9.4 is completed (which is currently in development).

This way I can leave a greater range of time to polish each free release, as well as focus the efforts of those days to make both releases in parallel.

Another adjustment I see necessary is to distribute the update in a fairer way, so from now on the Friends tier Patreon ($3) will receive the update a week earlier than the Tourist tier patrons ($1), since the Friends donate three times as much and deserve recognition for it.

3.     Patreon Update

As expected, due to all the above, I must update each Patreon tier to reflect the corresponding benefits, as well as including the Girl Polls and others mentioned above. It will only be a change in the wording to make everything clearer, so I will not remove any benefit.

I want to clarify, that no Patron will lose benefits, but they will have more benefits than before, since from now on they will also be able to participate in the Polls of content among other things.

4.     Increase of Alters

And finally, after many requests I have decided to open some new quotas in the Alter tier. Now 25 new slots will be added, and they will be available for one week. In case those slots are not filled, the tier will be reduced to the maximum number of slots available in that time. If the quotas are filled very quickly, I will open a few more, but it will still be a reduced amount to maintain that exclusivity.


This has been a long post... These are the result of ideas and improvements that I have accumulated over time, and I think they will help this project to improve and move forward better than ever.

Thanks again for all the support and words you dedicated to me in the previous post, you guys are the best!

As for me, I'm back to work 100%, I'm here thanks to you and I want to bring you news as soon as possible.

See you next Tuesday with more news!

I love you so much!




Chris Martin

I’m glad to hear/see the progress and love the project. I 100% agree on the free updates. It’s how a lot of projects I’ve liked did it. They either go here’s one or two behind or here’s a set stop point and we’ll update eventually. It’s a great way to make people go hmm I’m interested in the story continuing, how can I learn/play more? Then they see the patreon is 1-2+ updates ahead and go ok…I’ll pay the $3 to have the newest one now. Even if they don’t stay past the month.


Would be interested to see kinks in the game....I mean there are a few hints to different characters already...one is into roleplay...one lactates...there is already growth and shrinking...a few have already admitted to bring ticklish, and one the player has actively tickled...there is even light bondage already sooooo...i'm all for it