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Today I wanted to present you some of the new features that will be included in version 0.9.3.

Maxy's new outfit, called the "Sexy Maid", which will also be her new work uniform. This uniform will allow Maxy to help with Marketing, while multiplying her popularity gains by performing this activity (the outfit is sexy enough for that).

Until now, she was the only girl who couldn't actively help us with the work days, but that detail has now a sexy solution :)

Enjoy the full body image!!!

Maxy also helped her mother get a new swimsuit, although Galila, being a very conservative woman, didn't want to choose any of Maxy's provocative bikinis, but instead chose a full body one.

Maybe in the future, with Maxy's help, we will be able to change Galila's mind.

And with a full body image too!!!

Finally a special rendering, which for now is a concept, but will probably become a reality during a last surprise event between Galila and Maxy.

And who knows?

Maybe with enough Lust many more things will happen...

Could we call her Galixa?

Hope u like it!

I wish you a wonderful day!



Greg The Egg

Thanks for the hard work, its showing!