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Hello everyone! For the 2nd map of May here is Cloudy Peaks. Whew! that was a challenge, the rock shapes, clouds and colors were changed so many times before I was finally happy with how it looked, but I like the end results! - I imagine a high level party fighting a flying monster or maybe a wizard's duel scene going on here, hope it inspires you to create an awesome encounter!

Thank you so much for your support as always. :) 


Download Links:

Free Battlemap 

Adventurer ($1) 

File includes day and night variations in gridded (15x22) and gridless versions.

Hero of the Realm ($3) 

File includes all 32 combinations of different variations, both in gridded (35x20) and gridless versions.


Master Post:

Browse and download more maps easily maps here or at: sliph.art/maps!


Thank you so much for your support, I hope you find good use for this map in your adventures!




This is a map i did not know i desperately needed. Thank you! 😄