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Hello everyone! Here is Rocky Hills. Another try at Photobashing because that last one was fun to make!

This map is going to be the only one for August as I've decided to take a vacation. I've been making maps for 3 years and I love it, thanks to your support I'm able to do this as my full time job and I am very grateful for it! thank you! - But recently, I've been feeling very burnt out for the first time in all these years, I guess it was gonna happen eventually as it does for everyone but it sucks either way. So because of that I decided to take a vacation until mid September, which means there will be one map for this month and one map for the next one instead of the usual two per month schedule, and in October things go back to normal with hopefully my energy renewed. Thank you for understanding! I hope you enjoy this map. :)


Download Links:

Free Battlemap 

Adventurer ($1) 

File includes day and night variations in gridded (26x20) and gridless versions.

Hero of the Realm ($3) 

File includes all 24 combinations of different variations, both in gridded (26x20) and gridless versions.


Master Post:

Browse and download more maps easily maps here or at: sliph.art/maps!


Thank you so much for your support, I hope you find good use for this map in your adventures!



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