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Hello everyone, happy new year! :)

I'm late, it's summer now where I live and that means lots of thunderstorms and power shortage in my region so my digital work schedule gets a little confusing. but do not worry! the first map of this month is almost finished and will be out soon, thank you for your patience!

I also want to talk about Magic Item packs which have been missing recently, in the past months I've been rethinking what I want to do with them and - in short - I've been planning to make a small magazine-like PDF with illustrated useful material for DMs, not only Items, but also monsters, NPCs and all kinds of homebrew stuff. It is a lot of work so it will probably be something that will be posted every three months or so, but I'm really excited about it! the name of this project for now is "Lorekeeper", everything is subject to change as I'm still designing it, but I can't wait to show you guys more stuff about it soon!

As always, thank you so much for your support, and I hope Lorekeeper sounds exciting to you as well!



How exciting! I can't wait for the next update! <3