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Hello everyone! here are the magic items for this month.

Suggestions and ideas:

D&D 5e

Sword. Flame Rebirth, Fenix. - this sword can be used as a longsword or greatsword. the original variation (orange) was themed after a phoenix, besides having the ability of the blade bursting into flames, it can also have something related to the wielder resisting falling uncounscious once per day or a ressurection effect that fades away forever after one use.

Shield. Light's Aegis, Silvered Rebuke. - I imagined it having some kind of effect against fiends, maybe a flashing cone of light that blinds, which is more effective against fiends and undead.

Bow. for this one I imagined a bane of fey creatures, maybe imposing fear, having tracking advantages or simply damage addition. (not the most amazing ideas, I know, hopefully you come up with something cool though!)

Thank you so much for your support!

Attached to this post are the 3 separate items with variations included, all items have opaque and transparent background options as well.



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