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I'm trying out the idea of creating art for magical items, this is a Innistrad themed pack to go with the Innistrad Forest battlemap. this is kind of a test, what do you think about it? :)



Silas G

These weapons are perfect for my idea, I'm planning on having a DW campaign where the PC search for legendary weapons they created. I would hand them out and let them choose. I think a bow that looks as epic as these weapons do would be great as well ^^


That's really cool, glad to know it's useful! I'm still experimenting on what I want to create besides the usual maps, but I'll try to add a bow to a future pack! haha Thanks!

Alexander SnowMassara

Are these available as a transparent pack like the others?


Oh, shouldn't be hard to do! I'll export them later and reply to this post again :)