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Hello everyone! For the 1st map of March here is Night Temple. I think this was the most challenging map I've made to this day! There was a lot of trial and error especially with the color and values, but also with the statue and water reflections. The initial idea started with the art on the walls, which included the elven figure as part of it rather than a statue, it was also a much more complex wall art including clouds, mountains and vegetation, but I quickly realized it was a bit too much. I also wanted the water area to be full of things: reflections of the tree leaves and the stars, roots and vegetation, a stone path and ripples all around them, and all of that also made it challenging to get a nice amount of each element and don't make this map exhausting to look at. -- In the end, I think it was mostly a problem with the early planning stages, but I think after a lot of changes it landed on a solid result that looks nice and hits the theme I wanted fairly well! Besides of course being a great learning experience! :P

Since the temple is already at night and I didn't think it made sense to make a day variation, there are Ghostly variations instead of the usual night ones for this map. 👻

Thank you so much for your support, I hope you like this map! :)


Download Links:

Free Battlemap 

Adventurer ($1) 

File includes day and ghostly variations in gridded (21x14) and gridless versions.

Hero of the Realm ($3) 

File includes all 32 combinations of different variations, both in gridded (21x14) and gridless versions.


Master Post:

Browse and download more maps easily maps here or at: sliph.art/maps!


Thank you so much for your support, I hope you find good use for this map in your adventures!



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