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Oh right! Preface : commission are still closed. Thank you for everyone who are interested into my commission work! I'm doing my best to finish the current queue before opening any new slot. No estimation time when I will open again but you can check my Trello board to see the current queue line. Thank you!

Now to the update. Last week I did an oopsie, I sprained my back while doing something at my handler's house. I was paralyzed for a whole day with immense and excruciating pain for just moving an inch from the bed, last week was crazy painful.

My handler helped me to purchase some anti-inflammatory medicine and helped me through the day and night, taking care of me when I can only sleep in my bed. Also my online friends helped me cheer up.

I was able to stand after a day of being completely paralyzed in bed, it was a lot of effort as it took me 10-15 mins just to be able to get up from bed and stand on my feet. I was being told that I need to move and stretch my body and back daily.

One week and lots of body stretching later, here I am right now writing a journal. I can move normally again!

Right now, I'm thinking whether it is a good habit if I'm not saying apologize for not working for a whole week. I wished I didn't have to go through all the painful days and continue working, and its nobody fault so why apologize.

I realized I don't have to apologize or blame myself, does it make sense? I don't know...!

I feel I always blaming myself when I'm having a break for my physical health, but it's tough to take a break because art is the only income source I have. And I realize its not healthy for my mental health to keep on being apologetic in a way it acts like I'm not allowing myself to have a break.

So... Yeah..

I will continue drawing as soon as I can, but as for now, I'm on search to find a better dorm because in the next few day I will move to new dorm near where I lived right now. hopefully it's a better and safer place to work!

Other than that, I don't know what kind of challenge I will face in the next day, month, or year ahead, but thank you for the continuous support on my patreon, and all the interest into my commission work. Thank you very much for keeping me stay afloat and actually improved my life.

Recently I just surpassed 3000+ followers in both Twitter and furaffinity after 5 years in the platform.  Relatively lower number of follower compared with other artist but actually has very solid supporter, more than enough to bring me food to the table, and keep me motivated to do more art and improve my drawing skill.

I hope you guys are stay healthy and safe, stay safe and wear your mask.


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