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It's June and I got some update to write in my journal, first of all, my apologize for lack of any content during May and June. I'm still making progress slowly under burnout. It's drains me so much I feel so exhausted physically and mentally. no matter what I do I feel fatigued, I easily got tired.

It's all started great few months ago, having certain amount of workload, but not until the end of May where the stress got built up; fasting month, Eid day, sister's surgery, covering unexpected expenses, and so on, I just want to keep up to meet all the high expectation but now I'm writing this journal with constant headache and stomach ache.

Right now I'm trying to get in shape again, trying to calm down and break free from this overwhelming feeling. I hope you guys would understand, and writing journal so people can read usually helps me to feel a little bit better.

I hope you guys have a better day than mine, and for anyone who are mentally exhausted as I do, I hope all the bad days will soon ended and a better day waits ahead.

Thank you very much for all the continuous support, without you guys last month would've been total wreck. I'll do my best to get out from my current state and get back to the track!


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